Health Science Programs at bet36365体育

bet36365体育 is leading the way in preparing students for healthcare careers. Students in our pre-professional medical programs have great success with acceptance into medical and clinical schools for many reasons. Smaller class sizes allow individualized attention and one-on-one opportunities to research with dedicated professors. Job shadowing, volunteering, and internships provide experiential learning. Our campus size makes it easy to get involved with organizations that help build leadership skills. Academic advising, mentoring, and guidance in applying to schools and entrance exams give students a competitive edge.

All this and our partnerships with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, area hospitals and numerous medical clinics make bet36365体育 a top school to create an exceptional experience that leads you on a path to success in a healthcare profession.

Our Numbers Do The Talking


3-year average acceptance rate to clinical and professional schools among bet36365体育 students for all health programs (2021-2023).


bet36365体育 grads accepted into medical schools (3 year average) compared to <10% of all nationwide applicants.


Students enrolled in a health science area, the largest program at bet36365体育.

Data calculated from WebAdmit and other communications.

Experiential Learning

Morgan Semm

”Starting college, I wasn’t sure of the path I wanted to take. After making a few changes to my major, I ended up in Intro to Nutrition which made me become both interested and passionate about nutrition. I knew right away that I wanted to pursue a minor in nutrition. With each additional class, I became more confident in that decision and also decided to head down the pre-dietetics path. This program has provided unique learning experiences, valuable relationships with both peers and mentors, and is preparing me to enter into the Medical Nutrition master’s program. I am grateful for the opportunities and connections I have gained through this program and for the guidance and support I have received from both my advisor and professors. I am also excited for the day I can take my education and experiences and apply them into my career and hopefully make a positive impact on society.”

Morgan Semm

Health Science BS, Pre-Dietetics

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